Connect With The Wisdom Of Your Heart, Let Go Of Resentment, Release Harbored Pain, And Align Your Life With Your Soul's Purpose
Objective 4:
Modern civilization has long lost the traditional Rite Of Passage for young men. The repercussions have been tremendous, from an individual level to a global level. Yet there aren’t many men out there seeking their own initiation. That’s because the reasons you would highly benefit from one are blindspots; Like the GPS to the driver.
So while the benefits and use-cases are not limited to the following, let’s name some specific examples.
INITIATION would highly benefit you if:
You lack a sense of direction or purpose in your life
You are out of touch with your greatest joy.
Life seems dull, mundane or even pointless
You are constantly seeking approval and validation from others (particularly women), and regardless of whether you get it or not, it does not fill the void you seek to fill.
Deep down you know you want to create a relationship with someone you love, but on a more surface level, you struggle to shut the door to the opportunity to connect with other women
Women feel that they cannot connect with you or reach your heart, or you cannot open your heart fully to another person
You are living up to the expectations of others and not fulfilling on your own desires
You do not communicate or pursue your desires
You are out of touch with what you actually desire
You are playing the role of being a responsible provider for yourself and your family, and left behind your desires and passions
You don’t communicate your boundaries, you are polite at your own expense, and struggle to say NO.
You struggle to maintain good habits, or struggle with bad habits or addiction
You are carrying either pain, grief, sadness, or resentment and don’t know how to let it go
Experience yourself in your Fullness
Master your shadows
Learn to provide your own sense of worth
No longer seek the approval and validation of others
Pursue your desires
Communicate challenging emotions easily and powerfully
Establish and Communicate boundaries with compassion
Connect to your Heart
Create the romantic partnership that you really want
Experience life as rich and joyful
Have a clear sense of purpose
Release harbored pain and experience lightness in your heart
Fall in love with life and yourself again
The Guarani tribe in South America held a similar rite of passage where young men had to show their bravery and endurance through these long periods of isolation and survival in the wilderness.
The Quechua people of the Andes Mountains found it essential for young men to learn skills like farming and herding as well as to understand the tribe’s deep connection with the natural world.
The Yanomami, in modern day Venezuela/Brazil, held rites of passage where boys learned hunting and warfare skills, as well as the use of hallucinogenic plant medicines to allow communication with the spirit world.
In Chile and Argentina, the Mapuche people have various rites of passage where young men participate in a series of rituals and tests that teach them their roles and responsibilities within the tribe.
The importance of these teachings and rituals in the life of a man cannot be understated. In our modern society, such initiations are more important than ever. These indigenous tribe peoples lived extremely intimately in connection with Nature, which I believe plays a big role in allowing us a strong connection to our own true nature, as well as our hearts and bodies.
Today, a ritualistic initiation into Masculinity must include a journey into the Heart. Modern society as well as city-living has severed our connection with the natural world and has conditioned men out of their hearts.
Not only has this become highly apparent in my years of working with men, and leading men circles. I also have my own experience as the greatest evidence...
"I thought I had it all. I was an entrepreneur who had successfully managed a marketing agency for about a decade, I got along very well with my family, and had lots of great friends with whom I threw the best parties in Miami.
However, in spite of everything going well, there were plenty of moments where I felt a sense of emptiness and misery. I wasn't sure where my life was going. I remember asking myself "Whose life am I living?"
After several relationships and heartbreak, I wound up unable to genuinely connect with another woman from a place of love, and was settling for casual sex which I constantly sought out. It took me a long time to realize that my thirst for sex was a symptom of my resignation about love.
I was disconnected from my heart and I didn't know it. After a huge moment of insight I set out on my own quest for the next entire year to heal and reconnect with my heart. It was the most gratifying journey I've been on, the journey home. I learned that many years ago, young men used to have wise elders that would guide us and initiate us into the mature masculine.
I now realize that the Universe was so generous with me as to guide me through my own initiation during that time. I cannot overstate the incredible 180 degree turn that my life took. I now feel at home within my heart, have certainty of who I am, what my life is for, and I met the love of my life, and have started a family.
The offerings in Conscious Masculinity, are the results of my own prayer to help guide other men home into the power and wisdom of their hearts."
-Cesar Rodriguez
This is a ONE time offer! When Conscious Masculinity INITIATION launches it will be $995.