The Conscious Masculinity

Wild Warrior


Answer Your Heart's Call: Awaken The Warrior Within

Santa Teresa, Costa Rica | Nov. 14-18, 2024

Join us this November in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica for a deeply nourishing and transformational experience that will reconnect you with your heart, your body, and your Truth.

Let Nature hold you as you discover its wisdom and healing power, and rekindle your own innate wild essence that has been waiting to roar.

A Journey Through The Elements

All activities are optional, yet highly encouraged. Every morning will start with stretching and meditation, followed by an element-themed group workout.

Day 1: EARTH

Grounding & Stability

Arrive into the body, and discover the felt sense of balance in all aspects of life.

Day 1 Activities:

Stretching Workshop

Deep Breathing Exercise

Meditation Workshop

Nature Connection

Presence Practice

Tantric Eating

Sharing Circle

Day 2: WATER


Cleansing & Flow

Reconnect with the heart by facing repressed pain, exploring your feminine side and allowing emotions to flow.

Day 2 Activities:

Group Exercise

Breathwork Journey

Waterfall Excursion

Cleansing Ritual

Mindful Beach Walk

Conscious Movement Workshop

Day 3: FIRE


Passion & Transformation

Allow Fire to burn away those parts of you that no longer serve you and discover a new level of energy, creativity and motivation.

Day 3 Activities:

Dynamic Dance Workshop

Beach Sumo

Fire Ceremony

Temazcal (Sweat Lodge)

Beach Sunset

Sharing Circle

Day 4: AIR


Clarity & Freedom

Surrender to your purpose and embody stillness of mind and heart through the conviction of knowing who you are and what your life is for.

Day 4 Activities:

Embodiment Practice

Team Building Exercise

Communication Workshop

Nature Connection

Embracing Your Purpose Workshop

"What will the OUTCOME of my participation be?"

Great Question! Read on...

Promised Outcomes of the Wild Warrior Retreat:

Outcome #1:

Reconnect with Your Essence

In the throes of everyday life, it's easy to become completely caught up in routines, responsibilities, and the role of being a provider for yourself and your loved ones. This often leads to losing sight of your true essence, which lies deep within your heart. Before you know it, you may begin to lack clarity, purpose, and direction in life. Reconnecting with your essence requires taking some time and space to tune in. Immersing yourself in nature with an intentional practice is the fastest way to recalibrate and reconnect with your heart and your true essence.

Outcome #2:

Discover Your Most Authentic Self-Expression

As you reconnect with nature, your essence, and your heart, you will gain profound insights into what your heart and soul yearn to express in this lifetime. What are you here for? What is that purpose greater than yourself worthy of your life? As we explore the deepest levels of your heart within a safe and supportive environment, you may be surprised by what you discover within you. Expressing these deep-seated desires can provide the greatest fulfillment imaginable.

Outcome #3:

Unbreakable Deep-Rooted Brotherhood

You will discover transformative brotherhood. Imagine a realm where every challenge and joy is navigated alongside a circle of men who genuinely understand you and want the best for you. This retreat will unveil a new paradigm of brotherhood—one characterized by deep-rooted connections, unwavering support, and pure authenticity. You're never alone. At every moment, you'll feel the presence of fellow warrior-brothers who strive for your success and stand with you in unity. Through shared experiences and genuine bonds, we'll build powerful alliances that will empower and uplift you for years to come.

Outcome #4:

Embrace Your Pathway to Greatness

Turn your potential into your reality. This retreat is where you'll shatter the chains that have restrained you. Armed with newfound, unmatched power from deep within your heart, and surrounded by a community of loving warrior brothers, you will discover a clear path to the life you’ve always imagined. No more daydreaming about it—it’s time to create it. The profound insights and transformative tools you gain, supported by this brotherhood, will support and uplift you every step of the way.

Why Santa Teresa, Costa Rica?

When I first went to Costa Rica with an intention to heal a new depth of pain that I discovered withing myself, little did I know how perfectly appropriate this place would be for that intention to come to fruition. The wildly expressed natural environment in Costa Rica provided the most nourishing cocoon that I could have asked for. Not only did it help me heal my heart, it also inadvertently helped me discover a whole new level of Truth and Authenticity in my own life. For over a year many people said to me...

"You should create something where people get to experience all these magical things that you have experienced"

This is the answer to that call...

"How Do I Know If This Retreat Is For Me?"

This retreat is for you if you are interested in any of the following:

  • Deep Connections: Forge bonds with like-minded individuals, expanding your influential network.

  • Elevate Leadership: Enhance your leadership acumen through reflective activities and authentic group interactions.

  • Nature's Balance: Ground yourself with rejuvenating nature immersion, ensuring clarity and focus in daily life.

  • Spiritual Exploration: Dive deeper into spiritual practices, enriching your life's purpose and vision.

  • Challenge and Growth: Embrace experiences outside your comfort zone, boosting resilience and adaptability.

  • Life Vision Refinement: Reflect and recalibrate, aligning closer with your core values and aspirations.

  • Unified Alignment: Harmonize your heart, mind, body, and spirit, cultivating a holistic inner strength and clarity for your life's journey.

This retreat will also support you if you are facing any of the following challenges:

  • Disconnection from Self: You've been feeling detached from your authentic self due to societal pressures, expectations, or personal traumas.

  • Loneliness and Isolation: You feel a sense of not belonging or having a genuine community that understands and supports your aspirations and struggles.

  • Loss of Purpose: You carry a feeling of aimlessness or lack of clarity about your true calling in life.

  • Suppressed Emotions: You've been struggling with bottled-up emotions, inability to express vulnerability, communicate boundaries, or unresolved past traumas.

  • Stagnation: You've been feeling stuck in a rut, whether it's in personal relationships, career, or spiritual growth.

  • Lack of Confidence: You experience low self-esteem, self-doubt, or feeling powerless in certain situations.

  • Struggle with Masculine Identity: You have some uncertainty about what it means to be a "man" in today's world and how to embody healthy masculinity.

  • Overwhelm and Burnout: You are overburdened by the demands of modern life, leading to stress, anxiety, or exhaustion.

  • Desire for Brotherhood: You've been yearning for meaningful connections with other men based on mutual respect, understanding, and shared purpose.

  • Lack of Spiritual Connection: You've been feeling spiritually ungrounded or disconnected from nature, the universe, or the Great Mystery.

  • Physical Detachment: You are not in tune with your own body due to a sedentary lifestyles or lack of regular physical activity.

  • Communication Struggles: You have difficulty expressing yourself or connecting deeply with loved ones.

Note: This Retreat is Not for Everyone

The Conscious Masculinity WILD WARRIOR Retreat will guide you to the deepest core of who you really are.

No one will tell you who you are. You will discover it for yourself. This can be confronting if you've been living a life that has not been fully in alignment with your Truth. Once you hear your heart and soul speak to you, there is no unhearing it.

Such insight often comes with an invitation for big changes. Some will welcome these revelations with open arms. Others will refuse and choose comfort and familiarity over change and transformation. So participating in this retreat is not recommended for men who are unwilling of letting go of what is misaligned and choose comfort over truth and authenticity.

Venue: Casa Kata

Nestled amidst the lush tropical landscapes of Santa Teresa (technically Playa Hermosa), Casa Kata offers a serene and tranquil haven for all retreat participants. Your backyard is literally one of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. With the gentle sounds of the ocean waves in the background, this venue provides the perfect backdrop for deep introspection and connection with nature. For 30 years, Casa Kata and it's architecture have stayed true to the essence of Santa Teresa. It's a rustic gem with uniquely designed cabins and all necessary comforts like running water and Wi-Fi (which we will stay away from). Casa Kata promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of paradise. However, be forewarned - the cold showers and compost toilet will provide your your first wild-warrior initiation!


Food is included except for two dinners out at moderately priced restaurants.

Every morning there will be delicious home-made plant protein smoothies and fruits.

For Lunch we will have the famous Kata treating us to some of her specialties in a buffet style meal. (Kata is one of the best there is, she's even done private catering in Mel Gibson's house!)

For Dinner: Two catered dinners, 2 dinners out.

Price & Accommodation Options

Shared Room

Individual Bed in Shared Space


Private Room

Queen Bed in Private Room



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Meet Your Facilitator

"I thought I had it all. I was an entrepreneur who had successfully managed a marketing agency for about a decade, I got along very well with my family, and had lots of great friends with whom I threw the best parties in Miami.

However, in spite of everything going well, there were plenty of moments where I felt a sense of emptiness and misery. I wasn't sure where my life was going. I remember asking myself "Whose life am I living?"

After several relationships and heartbreak, I wound up unable to genuinely connect with another woman from a place of love, and was settling for casual sex which I constantly sought out. It took me a long time to realize that my thirst for sex was a symptom of my resignation about love.

I was disconnected from my heart and I didn't know it. After a huge moment of insight I set out on my own quest for the next entire year to heal and reconnect with my heart. It was the most gratifying journey I've been on, the journey home. I learned that many years ago, young men used to have wise elders that would guide us and initiate us into the mature masculine.

I now realize that the Universe was so generous with me as to guide me through my own initiation during that time. I cannot overstate the incredible 180 degree turn that my life took. I now feel at home within my heart, have certainty of who I am, what my life is for, and I met the love of my life, and have started a family.

The offerings in Conscious Masculinity, are the results of my own prayer to help guide other men home into the power and wisdom of their hearts."

-Cesar Rodriguez

Travel Info

Getting Here: Fly in to San Jose, Costa Rica. From there, you have several options:

● Drive to Santa Teresa yourself -

5 hrs. drive including Ferry ride.

● Opt for a Shuttle -

About $80, 5 hrs. drive including Ferry ride.

● Fly to Cobano (~$125),

followed by a $70 taxi ride to Casa Kata - 1.5 hrs.

Casa Kata Location:

Unleash the Wild Warrior within you. Join us in Santa Teresa and let the transformation begin.

It will be an experience you never forget.


Daniel Hadas

"Before working with Cesar, my marriage had been sex-less for well over a year. Sex had become a taboo topic and the source of major contention. I was feeling pretty helpless and as though this would be my life forever. While working with Cesar, each area of contention with my wife was addressed, as were my own demons around self-confidence. The result? Restored sex life that my wife and I are EXCITED about. Even more intimacy than we ever had in our relationship, and a renewed sense of self confidence for me. None of this would've happened without Cesar."

William Moreno

"For me, what I valued most was having a weekly structure to dive in and take a close look at important areas of my life. Cesar kept me in the inquiry. That, sustained by the assignments throughout the week, helped me focus and come up with the answers I was seeking around my purpose, masculinity and relationships. Cesar's sharing of his own journey, combined with his active listening also created the space for the answers to come up to the surface."

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